Welcome everyone to the 20th edition of the esteemed Soul’s Team Iron Chef!
Wow, 20 editions already! Time really does flies. 20 editions filled with your dedication to be the best, moments of joy and tears, heated discussions on fairness, and countless fascinating stories. And, this is the 14th edition where you can team up in threes and compete fiercely in all available AMV categories. Quite a journey, isn’t it?
For this 20th edition, we believe it’s high time for some changes. Yes, we referring to shaking up the familiar rules because this year marks a time for renewal!

Registered Teams204
ParticipantsRules / guidelines
In 2024, it’s time to eliminate the 72-hour time constraint. With everyone’s ever-growing ideas, completing projects in such a short period has become a challenge. As seen in the last edition, judges had to extend the deadline by half a day to accommodate submissions.
In response, we’re not just adding half a day, but a full extra day. Yes, the competition is now extended to 96 hours instead of 72, that’s 4 days instead of three.
Secondly, for the first time, you can choose any music and edit it into any genre you prefer in our competition. Feel like editing psychedelic music into an action category? Go for it, but there are still some specific guidelines to follow.
Finally, the main change: In the upcoming IC, one member of the winning team will choose two additional judges, selecting one person from the 2nd team and another from the 3rd in the overall team ranking.
- One AMV per team member
Selecting the same categories for all three AMVs in a single team of three is not allowed. Each team must present three AMVs, each belonging to a different category.
- Select your music thoughtfully
Editing the same music three times within a single team of three is not allowed. Each team picks three different songs, one for each member's edit.
- Please choose your category carefully
If it’s discovered that an AMV doesn’t align with the category you selected, the judges reserve the right to reassign it to the appropriate category. Before thorough judging in each category, a third party will validate each AMV to ensure there are no anomalies.
If reassignment isn’t possible, you might face a disadvantage or even disqualification. Make sure you’re confident in your choices.
- Naming your video
Your AMV must fit into one of the listed categories. Therefore, name your AMV as follows: [CATEGORY] EDITOR - AMV NAME.
Special categories crafted for enthusiasts of frenetic rhythms. Seize the opportunity to seamlessly blend thrilling action sequences with an energetic soundtrack.
Capture the essence of a passionate love story by artfully selecting images that evoke profound connections and emotions.
Condense the joy of dance with dynamic choreography, embodying creative energy, grace, and emotion for a visually engaging experience that effortlessly compels movement.
Entertain us lavishly with playful sequences, comic moments, and a joyful atmosphere, aiming to generate laughter, smiles, and cheerful vibes.
Explore abstract creativity in this category, offering a unique and artistic editing experience for an immersive sensory journey.
Stir complex emotions of fear and anxiety through elements of suspense, psychological tension, and surprise for an intense and terrifying experience.
Powerfully evoke emotions in a tragic drama by highlighting tension, conflict, and resolution through impactful visuals and transitions.
- What's an Iron Chef?
You 'simply' create a video within a limited time (here 96 hours) with specified start and end times, as indicated above.
- How are teams and categories structured?
Teams consist of 3 editors, with each member choosing a category.
- 1 team = 3 editors
- 1 editor = 1 category = 1 video
- 2 rankings = 1 per category, 1 global team ranking
The team's final ranking depends on the individual rankings of teammates. For example, if Philippe ranks 25th in horror, it may impact the team's chances in the Iron Chef. The top-ranked team will be declared the grand winners.
- Are there any other rules and guidelines to follow?
- Stolen scenes from other AMVs are not allowed.
- All editing must be done exclusively for the STIC, starting the moment the music becomes available.
- Your submission should naturally be an AMV, not a complete 3D video or original animation. This means most of your work should prominently feature anime.
- Hentai sources, scenes depicting sexual assault, or any form of visual assault will result in severe penalties, including a significant drop in the rankings.
- How does the registration process work?
- Form a team of three.
- Find a stylish name for the team that you just created.
- Create a banner for your team once you've found its name.
- Next, each of you must select a category from the 7 options listed above.
- Confident with your team? Complete the registration form at the end of the topic.
- What I do when the contest begin?
- As the contest begins, music packs will be provided, and you will need to select a music for your editing.
- Chosen your music? Now, craft your AMV.
- After the music pack is released, you can't switch teams. Choose your members wisely and make sure they won't abandon the team.
- Once done, upload it using the link provided in the email that your team received when you registered.
- What are the video specs and duration guidelines?
- Video Codec: Supported codecs are H264/H265.
- Audio Codec: Accepted audio codecs include MP3, AAC, FLAC, WAV.
- Containers: Supported containers are MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV.
- File Size: Videos should be under 500MB.
- Duration: The minimum video duration is 2 minutes.
Avoid TV logos, aliasing, subtitles, and anything that may lower the ranking of your video.
- Looking for teammates?
If you're on the lookout for teammates, make sure to check out our Discord server details below and participate in the #looking-for-teammates discussions.
- How can I stay connected and informed about the event?
Registration remains on this site, and a Discord server is available for communication. The top 5 videos in each category will have a YouTube premiere.
For additional questions, feel free to ask in our Discord server’s #questions section.
best of last year

TOP 1 ACTION : Luciole – MIRE ミレ

TOP 1 HORROR : JazzsVids – The Harbinger


TOP 1 PSYCHE : Sagiki – Time

TOP 1 FUN/DANCE : DaWait – Guitar Hero!

TOP 1 DRAMA/ROMANCE : Jigsaw – Ludens